Mahmood ready for barbs

England speedster Sajid Mahmood believes he will be unperturbed by the inevitable jibes that Australian fans will hurl his way during the upcoming Ashes series.

Having come under fire from Pakistan's supporters during their recent tour to England, Mahmood believes he is now ready to tolerate any crowd.

"I got a fair bit this summer from Pakistan fans but I think I coped with that pretty well," he told the BBC.

"What happened to me this season has helped a lot."

"I suppose if I went straight to Australia without any of that behind me it might have been a lot harder with their fans giving us a load of stick."

However, Mahmood, who only made his Test debut six months ago, says he has garnered enough experience from his recent outings against Pakistan to ensure he remains unprovoked by Australian barrackers.

"I know what it's like now and I've come through it, so if it happens again in Australia I know I can cope," he said.

With just next month's ICC Champions Trophy in India to play before the much-anticipated Ashes series, Mahmood also admits he has been working on his performance.

"I know I've still got a lot of things to work on, like bowling more consistent lines and learning to bowl to different batsman," he said.

"The main thing about my bowling is to get rhythm, and when I've got that I bowl pretty well."

"But there are probably a couple of extra miles an hour in me. I know I can bowl quicker."






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