Anton Devcich’s cricketing travels

All is well in Holland! Irene, Aston and I have settled in well and are quickly learning to adapt to the Dutch ways of life. The biking in Holland is incredible, they own the road and if you haven't decorated your house in bright orange for the Football World Cup you will get funny looks.

We are based in Den Haag, which is known as The Hague.  It is on the coast of Holland which is great for people like us who love the beach. We have about 10km of beach to choose from so there is always new parts to explore. The beach is surprisingly nice, it has golden sand with a lot of topless 50 year olds (or so Irene tells me???) Our days are usually focused around the beach.

So far we haven't travelled outside of Holland but we have done a few cities such as Rotterdam and Amsterdam and WOW, what an interesting place that is. It seems like every second person is hunting the city with a map in hand which makes life a lot less stressful when you realise that instead of making your way to a Historical Museum or The Anne Frank Huis you end up in the Red Light District, feeling like a seedy old man. It's a definite must see though.

Over the next couple of months the plan is to head over to England for a few days for Irene's Grandmothers' 81st birthday, then to Croatia for a week in July. We are really excited to travel to Croatia, it should be a great experience.

The cricket here is going well, I'm playing for HBS which Grant Elliott, Gareth Hopkins and Shane Dites have, in previous years, played for. The Team is a blend of young and old and are a great bunch of guys. We are currently on top of the table and started the season off very well. Personally, I have contributed with both bat and ball, which makes life a lot easier, it's always good to get a good start! The website is here but beware, it's all in Dutch!

Hope all is well, looking forward to getting back and seeing everyone.

Regards, Anton






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